Brug and Howie Jung Education Endowment
Stewarding a Legacy –
A look at how Planned Giving can affect the lives of others
Brug and Howie Jung, originally from the Midwest, are long-term parishioners at St. Raphael the Archangel parish, Raleigh. Both are heavily involved in Parish ministries, and leadership roles throughout the Diocese. Brug has served on the Board of Trustees at Cardinal Gibbons High School and is currently the Parish Council Chair at St. Raphael’s. Howie has served on the Board of WakeMed Foundation and is now serving at St. Raphael, as the current Finance Council Chair.
While they had always given their time, they wondered about other forms of giving. They heard about Planned Giving, but they had assumed was only for the wealthy and they really didn’t know where to begin. Then the Jungs learned that The Foundation of The Diocese of Raleigh is a resource that is available to anyone who wants to practice stewardship and leave a planned gift to support the on-going work of the Diocesan Ministries, including Parishes, Schools and other areas of need. With the help of The Foundation and confident in the values of Cardinal Gibbons, they recently established the Brug and Howie Jung Endowment Fund, providing tuition assistance to students at Cardinal Gibbons.
Once they determined they wanted to make a gift to Catholic Education, and with Brug’s past participation on the Board at Cardinal Gibbons, an endowment to benefit Cardinal Gibbons was an easy decision. They felt that the strong Catholic education provided by Cardinal Gibbons High School helps “Young men and women who have been formed in their faith to go out and be responsible citizens….they now have the tools to go out and make a difference in their lives and the lives of others.”
After The Foundation helped them understand the many ways they could support Catholic Education, they worked with the staff at The Foundation to help formalize their intentions. According to Howie, “The Foundation is there to help you find that direction and give you the options that are available and after that, it’s easy. They have the documents there for you to fill out and sign.” The Foundation staff help you find the direction for your giving, that not only do “they give you the options available, but you also have an assurance that your money is going to be handled wisely and consistently with the teaching of the USCCB.”
Brug added that “the people at The Foundation never were surprised at any of our questions, they come at it full of confidence and that made us more confident in what we were doing.” For her the process was “a wonderful opportunity to be able to articulate what you want to do with the product of your life.”
For the Jungs creating a Legacy was important. They knew that the Legacy they were looking to establish was “to help the less fortunate and also help the folks who are looking for a good quality education and may not be able to afford it…who someday will be able to be in the position to say, I want to give back, I want to help.”
The Brug and Howie Jung Endowment is an example of a meaningful way to leave a Legacy, which will support Catholic education at Cardinal Gibbons High School, for years to come. It is the best way for individual donors to provide a perpetual source of revenue for their parish, a school, ministry, or organization that you value. The Jungs encourage all people to think in percentages when considering a Legacy, a minimum of 2% of their assets would be a great place to start.
Please contact The Foundation on 919-568-1065 or visit, should you have any questions regarding Planned Giving, establishing an Endowment, or even how you can donate to an existing Endowment.